
Laser Hygiene Services |
Training Services |
Option #1 - $400
Refresher Course on diode laser use
In-Office Refresher course – This course focuses on
diode laser use and basic, clinical application for
the Dental Hygienist including simulated use of a
laser. The clinical applications that apply are
laser bacterial reduction, removal of
granulated/necrotic tissue in the pocket, teeth
whitening, tooth desensitizing and apthous ulcer/
herpetic legion treatment .This course also includes
the fundamentals of laser use, safety hazards, and
cleaning of the laser unit.
3 hours of Continuing Education Credits and
Laser Certification
* Please note this is a pre-requisite course for a
Hygienist or Dentist already pre-certified.
Participants successfully completing the day and
passing the exam will receive 3 CE credits and
certificate in recertification on lasers.
Call 619-869-9778 for other customized options.
Option #2 - Individual
(local only)
or Small Group Training - $495 per person (3
People minimum) + Travel Fees
Laser Certification
Consists of everything in
Option #1 along with Advanced Laser Use for
Periodontal/Soft Tissue Application. Clients must
provide meeting space for training and reimburse
travel expenses.
This is an advanced laser course focusing on
Periodontal and Soft Tissue treatment as an adjunct
to scaling and root planing. The course will
implement why, how and when to do laser therapy, and
protocols to laser program. The course will also
offer hands on training in your office.
6 hours of Continuing Education Credits and
Periodontal Laser Certification
* Please note- This course is for Hygienists and
Dentists only. Participants successfully completing
the day and passing the exam will receive 6 CE
credits and a proficiency in laser certificate.
Call 619-869-9778 for other customized options.
Option #3 - $2,000 (1 to 3 Staff
Members maximum)
All Inclusive Advanced Laser Diode Training
A Complete Laser Day - This package will consist of
Option #1
and Option #2
along with the Revenue Aspect of laser use.
Option #3
includes all consent forms, a treatment
configuration form for scheduling the patients,
pricing for laser treatment, all laser use codes,
treatment planning program and guidelines for recare
appointments. Recommendations of what to say for
success of patient acceptance to laser therapy
treatment and laser bacterial reduction will be
given. Presenting treatment and cost to patients
will be created and customized accordingly for your
office. Our clients on average have seen an
increased hygiene revenue ranging from 25%-50% in
their offices.
At any time, additional help is available for a
monthly fee. This will include unlimited phone or
email consultation with a total of 4 hours of in
office time to be used at your discretion.
8 hours of Continuing Education Credits and
Periodontal Laser Certification
* Please note- This course is being done in an
office setting for consulting. If you are not
already laser certified, a simulated and written
test can be completed in the office after the
lecture. Each states licensee guidelines with be
followed for this. Participants successfully
completing the day and passing the exam and
simulated test will receive 8 CE credits (for
Hygienists and Doctors only) and an advanced laser
training certificate.
Call 619-869-9778 for other customized options.